We often represent creditors in debt collection issues in the 9th Circuit Court in Orange County.   Any excuse to visit Orlando tends to be a good excuse.   We have put together this brief review of the courthouse to assist our clients that need to meet with us at the courthouse.

Debt Collection Attorney Orlando

Massive growth in the Orange County population, and resultant need for judicial services put huge pressure on the 9th Circuit Court.  The current facility is a new facility opened in 1997 to help satisfy those needs.

At almost a million square feet, and 23 floors it is a huge county court facility.  On either side of the courthouse are two additional buildings.  The first dedicated to the Public Defender, the second dedicated to the State Attorney.

For clients coming to the courthouse with us, be aware that parking garage facilities are available at $2.00 an hour or $15 for the day.  The parking garage entrances are on Magnolia and Orange Avenues.

As with all courthouses, there are security concerns on entry to the courthouse.  In general, use the same common sense as you would use when traveling by air, when determining what you can, and cannot bring to the courthouse.

Please do not bring any of the following items with you into the courthouse.

  • Firearms
  • Aerosol Cans
  • Knives (any type)
  • Tools
  • Handcuffs or Keys
  • Tape Measures
  • Scissors
  • Clay or Putty Materials
  • Razors
  • Bottles over 4 oz.
  • Box Cutters
  • Chains
  • Pepper Spray
  • Oversized Belt Buckles.

Our attorneys will meet you either in the lobby or in our assigned courtroom.

We look forward to helping to serve your debt collection needs in Orlando.  It’s always a pleasure to visit the 9th circuit court.