College is supposed to be some of the best years of your life and being independent is a big part of that. Being independent means you have to look out for yourself which includes looking after your identity. If you truley want these years to be the best of your life, pay attention to these tips on how to avoid identity theft as a college student.

Buy a shredder.

With the use of a shredder, you can shred up any old documents that contain personal information that could be used to steal your identity.


If you have documents that contain personal information such as your name, phone number, credit card information, social security number, etc that are being used, keep them in a safe place like a lockbox so that no one else can get to them.

Social Security card

This one is simple- keep it safe and locked away. Do not carry it in your wallet, your purse, your car, etc. Keep your social security card with your other documents in your lockbox, out of reach of anyone else.


Make sure your passwords are strong and secure, especially with your online banking accounts or other accounts holding sensitive information. Never ever share your passwords with anyone.

Lock up

Keep your dorm locked up. This prevents intruders. Along with your door, lock your electronic devices (if applicable) with a strong, secure password.

The internet

Be very aware of those who want to steal your identity like scammers. Don’t be to trusting, always make sure you’re being safe on the internet. If you’re using an unsecure browser, log completely out of your computer when you’re done.


Be sure to check regularly o all your banking information and credit status t make sure nothing unusual is going on. As well as staying updated never share any of this banking or credit information with anyone

Remember, college can be a fun place but it’s always good to stay safe when it comes to your identity. Just follow these steps to save yourself from identity theft.