by Admin | Jan 17, 2023 | Credit Card Debt Collection
According to data from a consumer credit reporting agency during the third quarter, personal loans and credit card debt reached record levels in 2022 due to financial strains caused by high inflation and rising interest rates. According to TransUnion research, credit...
by Admin | May 25, 2018 | Managing Debt & Credit
Leveraging Receivables Management Factoring Accounts Receivables You put out cash flow to acquire and pay for goods and services, and your customers or clients expect payment terms. Sometimes the gap between when you pay your vendors, and your client’s pay you is...
by Admin | May 18, 2018 | Asset Searching
Asset Searching for Debt Collection & Judgment Recovery Turnover Order A turnover order is often used when the property of the debtor is not easily seized or attached in the normal legal process, and there is no other way to meet the terms of the judgment. The...
by Admin | May 14, 2018 | Debt Collection Quotes
Debt Collection Quote “Don’t let your mouth write no check that your tail can’t cash.” -Bo Diddley As a man who was alive during the Great Depression, Ellas McDaniel (AKA Bo Diddley) is more than qualified to give a debt collection quote. The old...
by Admin | May 11, 2018 | Asset Searching, Collecting a Florida Judgment, Debt Industry
Asset Searching for Debt Collection & Judgment Recovery Finding Bank Accounts Bank accounts are some of the easiest assets to attach. Once bank accounts are found, the judge will uphold your judgment. A good collections process usually includes a deep search for...