Our world, legal debt collection, is changing rapidly.   Recent rulings appear to be just the start of a new wave of regulation.  If you are a business owner, and are collecting on debt on your own, or through a debt collection agency, or an attorney that does not focus on debt collection, there are many new pitfalls to watch out for.

We’d like to share 5 front line of defense strategies to avoid becoming snarled in a credit reporting law suite.

  1. Wait At Least 45 days after the expiration of the validation period to report.
  2. Respond promptly to consumer complaints and disputes.
  3. Update all newly acquired consumer information ASAP
  4. Look for complaints, welcome them.
  5. Never make false statements!

We’ll be borrowing from a report from Ontario Systems called

5 tips to end the credit reporting nightmare, and reduce all those costly disputes.

We offer a special thank you to attorney Rozanne Anderson with Ontario Systems for her work on this report.  The report is available free of charge in its entirety at the following address.


Marcadis Singer, PA

A Florida Law Firm, focussed on debt collection law and creditors rights.