Florida Debt Collection Attorneys, Marcadis Singer PA offer simple advice this holiday season.

It might sound counter-intuitive that debt collection attorney’s should be offering advice on how to stay out of debt, however it is heart breaking for us to see all the credit card debt come to us for collection that is the result of simple poor planning for the Holiday Season.

Avoid us,  and gift responsibly this season.  Here’s our pointers

  • Create a budget
  • In a relationship? Set your budget together
  • Avoid credit
  • Save Early, plan now for next year

Simple common sense steps.  Your family will remember the love of their family, long after they have forgotten the fun of the gift that couldn’t be afforded.

As we enter this gift giving season, please, gift wisely.

Merry Christmas
Happy Hanukkah
Happy Kwanzaa

Holiday Season