Myths #9 – You Can Bypass the Debt Collector and Pay the Original Creditor
It is a natural impulse to want to pay the company that you owe the debt to, as opposed to the collections person that is calling you, whether a debt collection agency, or a creditors’ rights attorney.
BUT, you may not have that option, depending of the agreement between the original creditor, and the debt collector.
It is not unusual that the contract between the third party collections agent, and the creditor, precludes the creditor from accepting payment for the debt. Sometimes, the original creditor actually sells your debt, and the collections company owns the debt, not the original creditor.
Regardless of the arrangements between creditor and collector, you should want to make payments to the debt collection attorney or agency, to ensure that proper reporting happens with the credit reporting agencies. You don’t want to be caught in the middle of the creditor not reporting the payment to the collector, and having a whole new issue on your hands.
Keep it simple, make payments to the collector, not the original creditor, it’s in your best interest.
Marcadis Singer, PA
5104 South Westshore Blvd.,
Tampa, Florida.
Phone: (813) 288-1881