
Satisfaction of Judgment

If the judgment is paid off by the debtor, the creditor has to go to the Court Clerk and file a Satisfaction of Judgment form in less than 20 days.

It will be filed in the Court where the judgment was entered; however, if the County Clerk’s office is where the Transcript of Judgment was filed, that is where it will be filed. A copy of the Satisfaction has to be mailed by the creditor to the debtor in less than 10 days. A copy must also go to the other counties that filed the transcript of judgment. The debtor is able to sue the creditor for $100 if this part isn’t done.

If a lien has been filed on any real property, then those need to be removed as well once the satisfaction of judgment is filed. If either party ever need s a copy of the satisfaction of judgment, they can receive a certified copy from the court clerk.

If you have just received a judgment to be paid to you, congratulations! The easy part is over, now it’s time to get paid. Whether it is a domesticated foreign judgment or a judgment attained by Marcadis Singer PA or another law firm, the process for collecting is generally the same. Collecting on a Florida judgment can often be a difficult process. Without the help of a Florida Debt Collection Attorney, you may end up with a judgment that is worthless.

Contact Marcadis Singer PA to take back what is yours.

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