Everyone starts out having no credit at all. Credit is something you have to build up and hopefully, you build it to be good credit.

The first thing you need to do to have great credit score is simply start your credit history. This can be done just by getting a credit card and using it. This next one isn’t that hard of a concept and whether you’re trying to achieve good credit or something else, should be done anyway.

Pay your bills; this can impact many things in your financial life and a big thing on that list is your credit. Whatever credit history you have goes on your credit report and if you want good credit, you should really pay all your bills on time. Paying your bills can be a way to minimize your future debt but what about the debt you have right now? Make sure to take care of it and don’t spend all your credit in one place. Try spending as little credit as you can. While you’re in the midst of building your great credit, the only way to know how it’s doing is to check so be sure to regularly check your credit score to know you’re on track.

If you’re worried about the expenses of getting your credit score, worry no more! Credit.com allows you to check two credit scores once every month and it’s free! A good credit score takes time, be patient and remember to work on all of these things to maintain your credit. While they may not automatically turn your credit good, they will impact it so give it time and be mindful of all the things you can do in order to build a great credit score.

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