Races for judgeships certainly lack the glamor and glitz of our presidential races.  Most of the candidates end up virtual unknowns to the electorate, and the election of judges is sometimes at best a throw of a dart at the dartboard by the average citizen.

The Florida Bar, however, has done an incredible job at doing there best to ensure that the Florida Electorate is well informed, and has the information that they need to make an informed decision.  Voting is not just a right, it is also a privilege and is one of the things that sets us, as Americans, apart from much of the rest of the world.

The Bar put together over 100 self-disclosure statements from county and circuit court candidates.  To learn about a candidate’s qualifications, the 10-page statement will give you biographical information, background on the candidate’s experience in different legal areas and even a short essay from candidates who chose to take part. Go to: FloridaBar.org/judicialcandidates  Hats off to the Florida Bar for this effort.  It is the third election year in a row that they have put out this resource.

Judicial candidates in the nonpartisan races for seats on Florida’s 67 county courts and 20 circuit courts face many restrictions on how they may campaign. Recognizing that voters and the media sometimes found it difficult to get information about candidates, the Bar’s Judicial Administration and Evaluation Committee saw the self-disclosure statement as a way to inform voters. This is the third election year that the statements have been compiled by the Bar.

The “Guide for Florida Voters,” published in English and Spanish, answers questions about Florida judges and judicial elections. The printed guide is being distributed through supervisors of elections, libraries and the League of Women Voters of Florida. Civic groups also can request copies from the Bar, by emailing votersguide@floridabar.org.

“The Vote’s in Your Court” webpage (www.floridabar.org/thevotesinyourcourt) is a go-to source for information on judicial elections. There, voters will find the “Guide for Florida Voters” plus links to important information, including bios of the three Supreme Court justices and 28 District Court of Appeal judges up for a merit retention vote.