Successful collection attorneys will control the conversation. They keep the call focused on collection of the debt. You do not want or need to hear personal stories, or excuses about the debt. Your purpose is to collect on the debt or at minimum get a commitment to pay the debt on a future contact date.
Asking questions, will sort past the excuses and get the true information on the matter. When they are bombarded with question after question it makes it more appealing to just send in a payment then to continue to answer questions and keep track of all their excuses for not paying.
For the difficult debtor it sometimes gets further when they realize that you will not accept their excuses and that their credit will be impacted significantly when the debt is not paid and sent to report to the credit bureaus. Knowing that they will be affected by this debt for the next 7 years negatively will force some into paying. He also will know that to obtain future credit he will still end of paying this debt first and most likely will incur additional fees.
When all else fails no threats will be made, just take the collection to the recourse of litigation. If you tell them you will file a lawsuit follow thru with this step. They will then realize you are not making idle threats and that it is in their best interest to pay the debt. Contact Tallahassee Debt Collections Lawyers if you have any questions.