Difficult Debt Collection in Florida


Florida is well known as a debtors state, where legislation and prevailing legal inclination is towards the rights of the debtor, and somehow, not in favor of the person who is simply trying to recover what they are owed.

Our experience is that most people caught in the debt cycle, really do want to pay what they owe.  There is a portion of debtors, however, that are simply incredibly hard to collect from.  There is subset of people that will fight you, treat you disrespectfully, even threaten to take you to court – when it is THEM that owe YOU the money.

These are the tough deb collection cases.  Frankly, these are people you should not deal with.   It is so easy to make a miss-step in today’s legal environment when it comes to collecting debt, that dealing with hard to collect debtors may just may end up with you on the wrong side of a lawsuit

Maradis Singer, PA, when its time to involve the lawyers in getting paid, its time to call in one of the largest debt collection attorneys in Florida.  We look forward to hearing your call.