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It is proven that a collection notice from the collection attorney results in more effective collection than one that comes from the company itself.  It tells the customer you are serious about collecting on the debt and have solicited help to do so.  The “fear factor” associated with a ding on their credit report from a collection attorney might just do the trick to force them into paying.

Benefits in a collection attorney also are that they know the laws associated with debt collection and are less likely to falter in this aspect.  They have also learned over the years to handle debt collection calmly and do not have a personal involvement with the customer.  They also have the ability to track down clients in ways that are not available to the business who provided the product or service.  

Overall though companies would have less bad debt if they had a clear cut plan prior to accumulating bad debt thru a debt management policy.  Companies who clearly define credit policies and criteria have fewer bad debts.  This is tedious in the preparation stages but can pay off greatly in the end. For more debt collection techniques contact your Tampa/Saint Petersburg Debt Collection Attorney.
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