Spanish Debt Collection Attorney

Debt Collection & the Hispanic Community

Florida’s population overall is approximately 4:, where California’s population is over 14% Latino.  Some estimates, however, put Miami business owners as much as 68% hispanic.   The Hispanic community is the single fastest growing ethnic community in the United States, and has a tremendous impact on our Florida Economy.

It is no surprise therefore that the CFPB  (Consumer Financial Protection Bureau) and the FTC  (Federal Trade Commission) held a roundtable last week in Long Beach California.

The roundtable focussed on customers with limited English Proficiency, with a major view toward the Hispanic Community.

It is well past time, in our opinion, that the debt collection industry in Florida make a stronger attempt to better communicate with our neighbors of different cultures.   Spanish speaking Floridians, from around the world, have a dramatic impact on our economy.  Hispanic owned businesses face the same issues as all businesses when it comes to people owing money, and not being able to pay.

It appears to us, at Marcadis Singer, PA, that there are very few legal options for a non-english speaking person to pursue the collection of debts.    One of the partners in the firm, Gil Singer,  is proficient in Spanish, and we have Spanish  personnel on staff to help bridge that understanding gap.    As Florida Debt Collectors, we thought it imperative that our site be in both English and Spanish.

The Spanish version of our site can be found at, or by going to our home pages and clicking on the Spanish Icon at the top of the page.

Our experience is that debt collection in Miami, Ft. Lauderdale, and Tampa predominantly involves a large mix of English and Spanish businesses, and debtors.   We are quite proud to ensure that our firm has the resources to help both in resolving their debts.

While we look forward to hearing the results of the California Round Table on Debt Collection in the Latino Community, we believe it is long past time that the rest of the debt collection industry, especially debt collection lawyers in Florida, step up to the plate, and serve our growing and vibrant Latino community.


Marcadis Singer, PA, abogados de cobro de deudas sirviendo a todo el estado de Florida.




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