A Credit Card allows you to transcend time.  For it allow you to put off until tomorrow what you bought today, while you are still paying what you bought yesterday.

Robert Morrissette

What an unbelievably accurate quote.  When you don’t manage your credit card debt, you are paying for yesterday’s “stuff” while acquiring stuff today, that you will have to pay for tomorrow.

Marcadis Singer, PA are Credit Card Debt Collectors.   Our firm focuses on the collection of both consumer and business to business debts.   We too often see individuals trapped by spending habits, where their credit card debt is like a time machine,

Beat the no win credit card time machine by paying your credit card debt immediately, every month.  Don’t put more on your cards than you can reasonably pay the next billing period.  If you are behind in payments, and having conversations with a credit card debt collection attorney, work with them to get it resolved as quickly as possible so that you can step off the credit card debt merry-go-round.

When contacted by Marcadis Singer PA about a credit card debt, remember that getting out of the credit card time machine trap can only happen when you work with us, or with whomever is trying to collect that debt.

Marcadis Singer, PA, Debt Collection attorneys serving all of Florida.