Perry & Donagher Discuss Credit and Collection industry at ACA International

US Representative, Scott Perry (R-PA) took a trip to Washington DC to visit ACA International’s office in part of his re-election campaign. There to join him were several outer business men. One of which was Rhett Donagher, manager of sales and marketing with Penn Credit. Donagher says, “Congressman Perry has been very supportive of the industry…We appreciate (Congressman Perry’s) continued communication with industry representatives and support of modernizing the Telephone Consumer Protection Act, which applies to so much of the work that we do day-to-day.”

Perry has a very good reputation with Penn Credit, as he visited the company back in 2014 to discuss credit and collection industry issues. There, he was educated on various subjects by the staff in order to better understand these issues. They discussed things like data security challenges, the impact of the Telephone Consumer Protection Act has on costs, Consumer Financial Protection Bureau oversight, and much more.

Penn Credit CEO, Don Donagher said, “It was encouraging that Congressman Scott Perry was able to give us nearly two hours of his very valuable time to learn not only about our business, but our industry as a whole. All we want is an opportunity to tell our story and convey the often overlooked positive benefits companies like ours can have in America today and I feel that was accomplished. Education of our elected officials is an essential tool in helping reverse the flow of legislation that negatively affects the ARM industry” of the last year’s meeting.

ACA has continued to meet with representatives to discuss important issues, and help them understand what’s going on through educating them on important priority matters.