As professional debt collectors in Florida, we are a very highly regulated industry.  As attorney’s that focus on debt collection Marcadis Singer PA is subject to even more structure than the typical debt collection firm.

We applaud the decision on the part of the US District Court in Omaha Nebraska’s decision to dismiss charges that a standard letter issued by the debt collection firm was “false and deceptive”

Specifically the suit alleged that  language in a letter from the debt collector stated

“Unless the debtor disputes the debt within 30 days after receipt of the notice, it will be assumed that the debt is valid.”

In its dismissal order, the district court found that nothing in the notices were “false or deceptive.”

“Even if (the plaintiff) was misled by the notice, as she contends, and believed that the county court would assume her debt was valid if she did not respond within thirty days,” the order read, (according to the Omaha World Herald), “she was in no way misled to her detriment, and the notice was not materially misleading.”

We applaud such straight forward decision making on the part of our court system.

Marcadis Singer, PA

5104 South Westshore Blvd.
Tampa, Florida 33611