Respond promptly to consumer complaints and disputes to avoid Debt Collection Reporting Pitfalls.

Reporting around collection of a debt in Florida, and anywhere in the USA is overseen by the FDCPA  (Fair Debt Collection Practices Act) and the FCRA – Fair Credit Reporting Act.
If you don’t take this oversight seriously, you waste valuable resources.  The cost of answering consumer complaints and disputes is heading in only one direction, and we all know that’s UP.  We all know that the volume of these disputes are going in only one direction, and that’s also UP.
You have to have trained and competent personal conduct a “reasonable” investigation after receiving any consumer dispute.  According to the FTC’s report to congress 26% of all credit reports contain inaccuracies.  
Just raising the flag is enough to derail a solid collection action.
In todays sometimes hostile environment towards debt collection agencies and debt collection attorneys it is imperative to live and act not just within the letter of the law, but within the character and intent of the law.   Responding promptly to debtor disputes is the RIGHT thing to do, and is a requirement of the law.
If you need help navigating the sometimes hazardous waters of debt collection, and its time to call a debt collection attorney in Florida, please call us first, and most importantly, call us early and avoid the many pitfalls of collections process.
debt collection

Marcadis Singer, PA

5104 South Westshore Blvd.
Tampa, Florida 33611

info @

(888) 547-1881

(813) 288-1881

New Clients

Ext. 247 Gil Singer
Ext. 240 Ralph Marcadis

Existing Client Client Liason

Ext. 242

To Pay a Claim

Ext.  245
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